Musculoskeletal self-referral Physiotherapy services

Musculoskeletal (MSK) physiotherapists assess and treat problems with muscle, bone and joints that may cause pain, stiffness and/or disability.

The team provide specialist assessment followed by expert advice and treatment for a wide range of service for any joint and muscular related problems including rehabilitation after orthopaedic surgery, sports injury rehabilitation and women’s health physiotherapy advice and treatment.

All eligible patients can now directly access NHS physiotherapy services, thorough our new self-referral service without needing to go via their GP.

Patients under the age of 16 years will need a clinical referral.

Please click the link to the staywell-bob website to access information on the self-referral eligibility criteria and details of how to self-refer in the area you are registered with a GP:

How to refer yourself to MSK physiotherapy services

  • Check you are eligible for self-referral.
  • Select the area you access your GP services:
    • Buckinghamshire
    • Oxfordshire
    • Berkshire West
  • Click on the location map to find a physiotherapy provider of your choice.
    • NB: in Berkshire West there are several providers available.
  • Complete the self-referral form from the physiotherapy providers webpage and submit.
  • Alternatively,
    • Download the self-referral form from the Staywell-BOB website and send via email to a provider of your choice.


  • Telephone a provider of your choice and they will assist you to complete and submit your self-referral form.

NB: Do not submit your self-referral form to the ICB or GP Practice.

Self-referral eligibility check

The self-referral service cannot see patients in the categories below and recommend you consult NHS 111 or your GP prior to referral.

  • Anyone in their own home (i.e. are housebound in the short or long term).
  • Anyone with respiratory conditions.
  • Anyone with neurological conditions.
  • Anyone needing post amputation services (requires a specialist referral)
  • Anyone under 16 years old will require a clinical referral.
  • Anyone needing emergency treatment (serious and life-threatening health situations).

We recommend you consult your GP or NHS 111 urgently if you have recently or suddenly developed any of the following:

  • Difficulty passing urine or controlling bladder/bowels.
  • Numbness or tingling around the back passage or genitals.
  • Numbness, pins and needles or weakness in both arms and/or both legs.

Please discuss with your GP before submitting a referral if you:

  • Are feeling generally unwell or have a fever.
  • Have any unexplained weight loss.
  • Have a history of cancer.
  • Have recently become unsteady on your feet.

If you answer yes to any of these symptoms, and you have NOT seen a doctor for this symptom, it is essential you arrange an appointment with your GP.

Do not complete a self-referral form until you have sought further advice from a medical professional.