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Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults

Safeguarding relates to all children and vulnerable adults. If you or someone you know is being abused, neglected or perhaps neglecting themselves please share your concerns. Even if you’re not sure that it is abuse, there are people who you can talk to about your concerns so that the person you are worried about can be protected and made safe.

Theale Medical Centre has a safeguarding policy and any concerns raised will be listened to by the surgery in confidence. Discussing your concerns does not necessarily mean that you are making a complaint or an allegation of abuse. There may be circumstances in which information brought to our attention in a confidential discussion would need to be shared with other agencies. We would always aim to seek your consent before sharing information.  However if it was thought there was a risk of serious harm and if it was considered justified to safeguard the individual then confidentiality might be breached.

For further information please visit

Page published: 25 September 2024
Last updated: 25 September 2024