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Infection control statement

This practice is committed to the control of infection within the building and in relation to the clinical procedures carried out within it.

The practice will undertake to maintain the premises, equipment, drugs and procedures. The practice will also undertake to provide facilities and the financial resources to ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to reduce or remove all infection risk.

Wherever possible or practicable the practice will seek to use washable or disposable materials for items such as soft furnishings and consumables, e.g. seating materials, wall coverings including paint, bedding, couch rolls, modesty sheets, bed curtains, floor coverings, towels etc., and ensure that these are laundered, cleaned or changed frequently to minimise risk of infection. The ability to clean effectively will be taken into account at the time of purchase.

The management of infection risk

The clinician responsible for infection control is Jenna O’Shea – practice nurse

The non-clinician responsible for Infection Control is Lottie Blake, practice manager

Ruth Siu will be responsible for the maintenance of personal protective equipment and the provision of personal cleaning supplies within clinical areas

Wendy Aldridge will be responsible for the maintenance of the provision of personal cleaning supplies within non-clinical areas

Ruth Siu will be responsible for the maintenance of sterile equipment and supplies, and for ensuring that all items remain “in date”

The nominated lead for managing Legionella risk is Clare Rock, GP partner

The following general precautions will apply

A daily, weekly, monthly and 6 monthly cleaning specification will apply and will be followed by the cleaning staff.

Online infection control training will be undertaken every year by all staff.

Infection control training will take place for all new recruits within 4 weeks of start.

Hand washing posters will be displayed at each designated hand basin.

Infection control standards will be monitored on an annual basis and the findings will be reported to practice meeting for any remedial action


The annual statement will be updated each year in July.

It will summarise

  • Any learning connected to cases of difficile infection and Meticillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus blood stream infections and action undertaken;
  • The annual infection control audit summary and actions undertaken;
  • Infection Control risk assessments and actions undertaken;
  • Details of staff training (both as part of induction and annual training) with regards to infection prevention & control;
  • Details of infection control advice to patients;
  • Any review and update of policies, procedures, and guidelines.


Theale Medical centre lead for infection prevention/control is Jenna O’Shea (practice nurse), who is supported by Lottie Blake (practice manager).

This team keeps updated with infection prevention & control practices and share necessary information with staff and patients throughout the year.

Significant events

Detailed post-infection reviews are carried out across the whole health economy for cases of C. difficile infection and Meticillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) blood stream infections. This includes reviewing the care given by the GP and other primary care colleagues. Any learning is identified and fed back to the surgery for actioning.

This year the surgery has been involved in 1 C. difficile case reviews and 3 MRSA blood stream infection reviews.


Detail what audits were undertaken and by whom and any key changes to practice implemented as a result.

Risk assessments

Regular infection control risk assessments are undertaken to minimise the risk of infection and to ensure the safety of patients and staff. The following infection control risk assessments have been completed in the past year and appropriate actions have been taken

  • COVID-19 outbreak
  • Control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH)
  • Disposal of waste
  • Healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs) and occupational infections
  • Sharps injury
  • Use of personal protective clothing/equipment
  • Risk of body fluid spills
  • Legionella risk assessment

Staff training

100% of new staff joining Theale Medical Centre receive E-Learning infection control, hand-washing, and donning and doffing training within 1 months of employment.

100% of the practice patient-facing staff (clinical and reception staff) completed their annual infection prevention & control update training online.

100% of the practice non-patient-facing staff completed their 3-yearly/annual infection prevention & control update training online.

The IPC nurse/practitioner attended training updates for their role (As documented within the infection control folder). The training is provided by the lead IPC nurse and BOB ICB webinars.

Infection control advice to patients

Patients are encouraged to use the alcohol hand gel/sanitiser dispensers that are available throughout Theale Medical Centre. Additional IPC measures on hands face space have been implemented due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Policies, procedures and guidelines

Documents related to infection prevention & control are reviewed in line with national and local guidance changes and are updated 2-yearly (or sooner in the event on new guidance).

Page published: 24 September 2024
Last updated: 30 September 2024