Carers UK
They’re here to make sure that no matter how complicated your query or your experience, you don’t have to care alone.
0808 808 7777
Carers UK
info@carersuk.orgSocial care and support guide
If you or someone you know needs help with day-to-day living because of illness or disability, this guide explains your options and where you can get support.
NHS: Social care and support guideBerkshire Care Directory
If you are thinking about moving into a care home or arranging care for a relative or friend, you can find useful information and advice in the Berkshire Care Directory.
Rally Round
A free online service for friends and family to come together and help a loved one stay safe and well at home.
www.rallyroundme.comDementia Carers Count
Our charity is for family carers of people with dementia, the dementia and carer communities and everyone who supports our aims.
Family carers can be wives, partners, husbands, children, brothers, sisters, in-laws, close friends, grandchildren – in fact, anyone looking after someone with dementia.
020 3096 7894
Website by Carers UK
An app to create a circle of care and easily manage communication and coordination of caring tasks.
www.jointlyapp.comCare Choices
Care Choices is the reliable place to find the care that’s best for you and the information you need. Whether you’re looking for a care home or ideas on staying independent at home, this website has been designed to make it easy for you.
Website Hub
Carers Trust provides a range of support and services which can be accessed via the Carers Hub – funded by Reading Borough Council, West Berkshire Council, North & West Reading CCG, South Reading CCG and Newbury & District CCG.
0118 324 7333
www.berkshirecarershub.orgReading Crossroads Care
Crossroads Care Reading is committed to providing practical support in the home in order to enable carers to have a break from their caring responsibilities.
0118 945 4209
Page published: 9 May 2023
Last updated: 26 September 2024